Roger Keith 'Syd' Barrett
6 January 1946 – 7 July 2006
Today is the Anniversary of Roger's death.
I'm not sure quite how I should mark this as I am loathe to write words that may be hacked and manipulated by any good folk of the 'press'.
Be it good or bad, I knew that Roger's death was sadly near before it was common knowledge.
His suffering was mercifully short, and he managed to get home before the end. I know this meant a lot to him, and he was very keen to be released from hospital.
He had very good palliative care, and it was a comfort to get back to the house that he so loved.
When I got the call to tell me that he had died, this was obviously very upsetting, but the weirdest thing was the day it was revealed to the public.
This came in a press release from - I think EMI - and I was at work at the time. I didn't know when this would happen, and had thought it might have been sooner than it was ( I found out on the Saturday, and it wasn't released until the following Wednesday.)
At the office in which I worked everyone checked the BBC news throughout the day to keep track of news and weather etc.
I remember it came as a complete surprise the hour Roger's death flashed up on the site.
I had told my manager in advance, as I would need time off for the funeral etc.
I had never really told many of my workmates about my link to Roger, let alone about his death.
I've always thought this would leave me open to allegations of boasting or name-dropping.
I've also faced allegations of lying about who I am, and that is crazy in itself. I really don't have time to prove to anyone what I've been born into.
When these workmates saw the death on the screen and starting blithely mentioning it to me, it was all a bit much.
At that point I obviously became upset and had to explain the true situation.
More soon....

Max The Rockstar!!
Max The Rockstar!!
As you can see here, Max Barrett certainly has an air of rockstar about him.
He wouldn't look lout of place in the reformed 'healthy' Happy Mondays and certainly has buckets of the cocky swagger needed.
To be honest, we have all be going rather stir crazy of late as we've been unable to get outside much due to this somewhat humidity laden weather of late.
I've just been in the garden in the one of the brief lulls in the rain and found something quite amazing....
It's been so wet in the garden that the bird feeder on the wall has actually started GROWING!
yes really. The seeds inside have stayed so damp for so long that there are leaves and sprouts shooting up from the bottom.
It's like a batch of hippy mung beans in there. I wouldn't think the birds will be too impressed with it now!

A Soggy Trip To The West With 'Monkey'
Beccy and myself had a fantastic night out last Thursday to see the opening show of Damon Albarn's show 'Monkey - Journey To The West'
I guess it may upset many involved with the show to call it his show.
The so called 'Opera' was directed by Chen Shizhang a renowned director ( he has recently directed Dark Matter with Meryl Streep) and Damon was the composer.
There is so much I could say about this show, but the best thing I can suggest is that you watch the BBC1 show on tomorrow night at 10.40pm and see for yourself.
Preview here
It seems a bit of a vagary to call it an opera really as this may discourage many from going.
It really isn't an opera - other than it is a stage drama led by singing.
Yes there is singing all the way through, but never in a tradition operatic style.
It is sung entirely in Mandarin Chinese.
The show was an insane mixture of martial arts, mad Chinese acrobatics and bizarre atonal orchestration.
There was an amazing undersea scene with huge starfish floating across the stage and a funky giant prawn pushing a trolley laden with a girl spinning parasols on her legs!
( doesn't every show have these nowadays?!)
The guy playing The Monkey king had the most amazing charisma and owned the stage with his energy and swagger.
Who would have thought a monkey would wear a tracksuit!
After the show we ended up outside in what is now boringly predictable pouring rain. We traipsed up the road to the swish Midland Hotel and met up with Chrissie Hynde and her band for a few drinks, and some superb conversation.
I met Chrissie first at the Barbican tribute show, and she was most charming there.
She was in town supporting Rod Stewart at the Man City Stadium and said we could look her up when she was in town.
It was a hilarious end to a superb evening!