Saturday, July 06, 2002

Did everyone hear about Maggie Thatchers head being chopped off this week ??!!!
Well unfortunately only the bust was decapitated not the scheming crow herself but it's a start !!
All hail Sir Paul Kelleher who did this fantastic act.

He says he HAS to plead not guilty as he's been charged with criminal damage and he says hes not a criminal so he cant plead guilty; shows that this man has a very shrewd mind and must be saluted !!

I think i f charges of criminal damage were to be brought they should get the head out of the basket, show it on Crimewatch and see what response they get from the general public. I'm sure if we work together we can all track down the apostolic hag and show her what true justice is !!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 03, 2002

I had an amazing experience this afternoon at the opening ceremony of the Imperial War Museum Of The North
I was lucky enought to be asked along to the first day of opening and it's not something I'll forget in a hurry.

Anyone even remotely near Manchester must visit this musueum as it has the most moving and simple exhibits bringing home the experiences of so many people in many different wars from 1900 to now.

The building was designed by the famous architect Daniel Liebeskind and is a bizarre silvery structure with a really abstract and twisted shape. Go along and be amazed and horrified in equal amounts

Sunday, June 30, 2002

My Plan for the Big Brother house is that they switch the cameras off as soon as the contestants went into the house then the nation quietly pisses itself ,safe in the knowledge that they'll all be inside looning and gurning with their inane histrionics thinking that the country is

A -Watching their every move with voyeurish fascination
B - That we give a toss if they live or die.

Neither of which is true.

When they are finally evicted one by one a taped announcement from Davina (who is actually snorting coke from a midgets left buttock in the Met Bar) comes over the tannoy and they pack their silly little travel case and troop outside to what they expect will be a cavalcade of cheers and whoops but what is actually just an empty compound with maybe a bored cleaning lady sweeping coke cans across the concrete. A Security guard points to the exit and they give them enough money to get the bus back to reality.
This is just an idea. maybe the organisers will be brave enough to try this version of reality tv next year, though I suspect they wont !!!!!!